Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My how time flies! oops! flys!! Anyway the July 4th holiday came quickly and passed and this past week was jammed packed with running to and fro with church activity and getting the boys ready for school. Of course not to mention the boys are always into something: This past Saturday Jachin received an eye injury and got to visit the emergency clinic...this was due to his daddy horse-playing in the pool...and his daddy definitely paid for that one! Anyway Jachin will recover fully with daily eye drops for another week, no damage was done to the "seeing" part of the eye...thank goodness. With that being said Greyson decided today...yes today...that he could not be outdone by his older brother, so with less than gymnastic skill he flipped off the top of the couch and smashed down face first into the floor, ultimately planting his teeth all the way through his bottom lip down to his chin....so back to the emergency clinic I sped today to meet him there...bloody clothes and all. He too will make a full recovery and thankfully no stitches were required....now you are up to speed...and believe me it won't slow down from here! More later...


Rachel said...

Glad to hear the boys are alright, also glad to hear they are true boys thats what boys do they get hurt. ha ha... Miss you guys and God Bless
Uncle Shane

Rachel said...

Mandy..that would have freaked me out! Did you about have a heart attack when that happened with the boys? Or were you calm through it all?
Love you lots and glad all is well ~

The Daigles said...

Boys are awesome!! But tell them now they have to get jobs to pay for their own ER visits... LOL

Rachel said...

when we gonna git nother update?


Jachin, Jaxin, & Greyson

Medieval Times in Dallas

Medieval Times in Dallas
Lord Jachin & Lord Greyson

Jachin's new airplane (Kemah Boardwalk)

Jachin's new airplane (Kemah Boardwalk)
Jachin & Greyson get a new plane!

Jaxin Kennedy

Jaxin Kennedy
Son of Jared & Lottie Gearen